About Zvia Weight Loss & MedSpaWe use a medical and holistic approach to help people lose weight, look better, and keep their hormones in balance.
You are unique, so every program at Zvia is custom-fit to meet your lifelong health and beauty needs.
Our products and services only use high-quality ingredients and cutting-edge technology. Our staff of medical professionals has more than 30 years of experience, so you can be sure that your treatment will be safe, comfortable, and effective.
And, unlike other spas, we have the ability to address your aesthetic needs with high-quality skincare, weight loss, and hormone balancing, addressing health and beauty needs for both the inside and outside of each patient. This is why we say at Zvia, we are transforming the body and inspiring the mind, because when you feel good, you look good, and when you look good, you feel good.
HistoryZvia began in 2019 and provides holistic strategies to build and restore core health, vitality, wellness, and beauty. We deliver tailored medical weight loss and medical spa treatments that encompass the body, mind, and spirit. Starting with a medical evaluation, we craft sustainable, personalized treatment strategies. Our programs and staff support the overall health of Zvia clientele. Zvia offers a transformative experience in a luxurious and relaxing medical spa atmosphere.
Meet the Business Owner
Tom HigginsTom Higgins is the CEO of Zvia Weight Loss & Medspa. He is a native of Colorado and an active member of various business organizations in the metro Denver and Lakewood communities and a contributor to several local charities. Tom and his family like to spend time in the mountains and take part in some of the great arts and cultural events that Colorado has to offer.
As an entrepreneur and business leader, Tom's background includes the creation and advancement of several successful businesses within the investment, mortgage banking, and software industries. His companies have received awards for being the best places to work in the state and have made the Inc 5000 fastest-growing companies list for four separate years.
After years of working in corporate settings, Tom realized how important it was to stay healthy and maintain his skin, hormones, and metabolic health. He also felt many spas did not provide a welcoming environment for men as well as women, so he created one-Zvia Weight Loss & MedSpa, where services were focused on creating an environment for both.
Tom has a Bachelor's in Computer Science from the University of Wyoming and an Executive Master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Denver
Meet the Medical Director
Sharon BlumenthalSharon Blumenthal is a seasoned medical practitioner. She has more than 35 years of experience leading health, wellness, and aesthetic treatments.
She is a well-known authority in medical spa aesthetics and hormone replacement therapy.
As a founding member of the Zvia MedSpa leadership team, she frequently treats both men and women with advanced technologies, including Morpheus8 and EvolveX, which are two of the most advanced services offered within the aesthetics industry.
Sharon is also an avid outdoor enthusiast and enjoys hiking in the mountains, cross-country skiing, and playing pickleball with friends.
Her passion and interests include helping people. In her spare time, she enjoys going to live theater and comedy shows, as well as spending time with family, friends, and her two adorable teddy bear Guinea pigs. She is also a sponsor of many animals living at wildlife sanctuaries.
Sharon obtained her MSN with FNP from Regis University in 2008, graduating with honors. She also continues to participate in numerous continuing education programs to stay updated and engaged with the latest in treatments for pro-aging and aesthetic practices.