Pellecome Fit (Weight Loss, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement)

Weight Loss And Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

PELLECOME FIT® is a customized medical treatment program based upon an individual’s metabolic and hormonal needs to support optimal health, recovery, and maximize the The Power to Perform.®

The goal is to optimize the health and performance of each individual based upon their specific needs in either recovery or enhancement.


Pellecome FiT

  • DHEA $26.50
  • Pure Fish Oil$73.00
  • Craving Control $63.50
  • Power T Booster $64.00
  • Gut BioBalance $42.00
  • Gut Bio Sealer $54.00
  • MitoPure $46.00
  • ThyroFit $60.00
  • Bfit $28.50

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